Born in Rio Cuarto Córdoba province. Argentina.
Graduated with the title of Professor of Drawing and Painting School-Córdoba Figueroa Alcorta.
Lincenciatura.Post Teaching Degree in Visual Education. Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Improvement in various artistic disciplines
Theater, writing workshops, workshop haiku (Japanese poems)
. Individual and collective.
Numerous awards in different regions
Bibiana Varela Gibb
He studied with Eduardo Giusiano, and Dalmasi Peiteado Rojas.
Courses in Printmaking Workshop Fischman Rive, Rio Cuarto,
Attended the Workshop of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture of Charles Peiteado, Córdoba.
Annual Course on "Training Actoral" dictated by Jorge Javier Flesca, Rio Cuarto, and the seminar "Body, Performance and Ritual" and course "Myth and Art" taught by Master Marcelo Nusenovich is the assistant to Creative Art Therapy Connection and Conseling to through the expressive arts taught by Prof. Dr. Larroque and Bottini of Barucca, in the Society of Medical Psychology, Psychoanalysis and psychosomatic medicine, the National Congress of Artists, SAAP. Quilmes, Argentina, and the Second National Congress of Art Education, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Is Selected by the critic, Mr. Julio Sapollnik to exhibit in the "Palais de Glace", National Exhibition in the Federal Capital.
Gets awards at the Salon of Painting, Museum of Fine Arts, Rio Cuarto, University of Painting Exhibition, a tribute to Discépolo, Universidad Nacional de Villa María, is selected in the Latin American Gathering of Artists "Latin American Artist" Pomona, Los Angeles, California.
Special Jury Prize at the Eighth Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Museum of Fine Arts "Fernando Bonfiglioli" Villa Maria, First Prize Sculpture, Exhibition of Small Format, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, the National Autumn Exhibition Mention and First Competition of Painting and Photography Sociedad Rural, Rio Cuarto, Special Mention, Section Recorded at the Ninth National and International Fair of Handicrafts, Rural Society, Rio Cuarto, IX Blue Room, National Arts, Azul, Buenos Aires Province, in the eleventh National Painting Exhibition, Pro-Arte Foundation, Córdoba, Selected Competition "Tout Petit" Exhibition Centre Municipal José Malanca, Córdoba, in the Hall of Printmaking, Drawing and Painting organized by Museum of Fine Arts, Rio Cuarto, Trapalanda Cultural Center at the Provincial Exhibition of Painting 99 organized by Municipal Museum of Fine Arts in Rio Cuarto, in the XV National Painting Exhibition, Fundación Pro-Arte, Cordoba in the Tenth National Exhibition of Painting Domingo J. Martinez, Villa Maria, in the Hall Small Format Art Gallery, Córdoba, at the XXII Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts Engraving section, Villa Constitución, Santa Fe, in the Arts Salon XXIII Section Drawing, Villa Constitución, Santa Fe, and the XVII National Painting Pro-Arte Foundation, Córdoba.
In the course of Bibiana Varela Gibb's idea of an art very much linked to the subject evolved from abstract speculation, a more existential content, revealing the difficulty finding the subject to shed their distressing circumstances and reach a Platonic art of pure ideas .
This dominance led almost naturally to an interest in the signs and words, usually within the context of abstract plastic. The decision of the artist to make the art object and place the sign is obvious. One of his favorite slopes is to use the words as a sign and transmitting coded languages mysterious messages that reach the viewer's curiosity.
Many times the work of art is created from the heart of being an objective or subjective construction, that involves the author in his recreation, which may well have a realistic, but that this time the image, observed through Varela special look Gibb, handwriting appears strand recreated and sustained by solid structures, which supports contentions of dark bursts and denotes a sophisticated palette of brown shades that hold the mystery of the message and where areas of light give out.
Determined by its particular position, a set of tones opted obliterates the conventional elements of the performance, dominated by abstraction, which is the stamp that prints his work, which abounds in experience plastic art, and consequently, there are the inspiration and personality.
There are no contradictions, his works, projected from their deepest truth, we are immersed in the romantic intimacy that we bear witness, and that the artist brings his own sensibility, approaching the sublimation non-formal, sensory, devoid of common plastics pose . This outstanding artist makes an intelligent consideration given to engage the visual dialogue, nurturing sensibilities, with his best artistic expression.
Critical artist Ducurón July. Argentina